Mobile Guru Fraud Prevention/Authentication Process

Unfortunately, we have been receiving a significant number of sales from fraudulent credit cards.

To protect our customers and ourselves we have now implemented an authentication process for new customers.

Note: This is a once off. If you are a repeat customer, select ‘Repeat Customer’ in the additional information up the top right when completing checkout.

You may have already received an email regarding this after placing an order using credit card, if you do not receive this email, that’s ok!

Please view the process below:

  • We’ll debit your card an amount under what the original price was when you completed the checkout (it will be anywhere from $0.01 cent to $1.00 less)
  • Check your online statement to confirm the exact amount
  • Confirm the exact amount when you are asked to verify your card when logged in during checkout. Note: You need to enter the exact amount i.e. “$498.20”

No access to internet banking? That’s ok! if you can’t log into your internet banking just give your bank a call and they will give you the amount to confirm with us.

If you do not want to go through this process you can select one of the alternative payment methods such as; PayPal.